You will see a blue A review has been requested box at the top of your list. We do not use this part of Talis Aspire system to process our Resource Lists; please ignore this blue bar.
Once you have finished editing your list, please ensure that you select Publish at the top of your resource list to make your changes live. If you do not publish your list, any changes you make will only be visible by you. You will also not be able to use the Moodle plug in if your list is not published.
All items added to resource lists need to have an Importance level set.
Click on the three dots on the right hand side of an item and select Note for Students.
What is a section?
A section is a box on your resource list. Typically resource lists are split into week/session sections or sometimes even topics. This helps break up the resource list and also allows you to make use of the Moodle Plug in to add sections of your list into each part of your Moodle page.
What is a section?
A section is a box on your resource list. Typically resource lists are split into week/session sections or sometimes even topics. This helps break up the resource list and also allows you to make use of the Moodle Plug in to add sections of your list into each part of your Moodle page.
To add sections:
You can quickly add an item from your saved bookmarks by selecting the 'Add Resource' button that appears when you hover between items in the list:
Your most recent bookmarks then display in a pop-up screen (Show More or Search to find older bookmarks). Just select the item you want to add to the list, remembering to set Importance level. It is a good idea to re-use your bookmarks this way, rather than creating new ones for the same item, as the link will be more stable.
You may want to add an existing bookmark from a list you didn't create to your own 'My Bookmarks' section. The option below will let you reuse bookmarks created by colleagues or librarians.