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Resource Lists: Requesting Digitisations

Guidance & Best Practice for using resource lists

Our Digitisation Service

The Library can provide digitisations under the Higher Education Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) agreement in order to make selected teaching and learning material more easily accessible to students. These digitisations are embedded within your resource list for students to access and are fully compliant with the CLA, unlike scans which are put on Moodle. Library digitisations are also compatible with screen reader technologies. 

We can digitise one chapter or up to 10% of the total number of pages, whichever is greater. However there are some exceptions, usually where a title has been published overseas, e.g. in the US. We will always check copyright permissions before we digitise and will get in touch with you if there are any problems. You can also have a look at CLA website to see what can be copied or scanned under the CLA Higher Education License. 

When requesting digitisations please make sure that you include page numbers as we can't process requests without these. Please give as much notice as possible when requesting digitisations, and at least two weeks before the digitisation is required, to allow time for the requests to be processed and actioned. We know that there may be certain situations where digitisations are required urgently (e.g. loss of access to a digital resource) and in these exceptional circumstances please email to discuss available options. 

Please note we only offer digitisations for items which have been marked as essential on the resource list. If you need to set the importance of an item on your resource list, please see Setting an Importance.


We also offer a Digitisation Service for Disabled Students (DSDS) which provides teaching and learning materials in an accessible format to students who are visually impaired or those who cannot physically manipulate a book. 

How to Request Digitisations

To request a digitisation:

  • Go to your resource list and locate the book you want to request a digitisation from and click on the three dots next to the item (if the item is not already on your resource list, you will need to add it on first, see Bookmarking eBooks and Books).
  • You can also request digitisations for individual journal articles where we do not subscribe to the journal. You will be able to bookmark these by expanding your search to 'Libraries Worldwide' and then bookmarking the article as normal(see Bookmarking Journal Articles)
  • Choose Request digitisation

You will then see a pop-up box appear with details of the digitisation you are requesting. Please check through the information and add in any missing details - particularly the chapter or section name and the page range. You can add multiple page ranges by clicking add another.

Please note we are unable to process digitisations without page numbers.


Once you have finished with this screen please click next at the bottom. 

A screenshot of the fields required to submit a digitisation request.


You will then see a new screen which asks for details of the date the digitisation is needed by.

Please request digitisations with as much notice as possible, and at least two weeks before they are needed. 


Click Next at the bottom of the screen, and check your details on the following screen. Then click Next again to submit your digitisation request.

If there are any problems with your request the team will be in touch with you via email. 


Book Chapter Digitisation

If you wish to add an individual book chapter to your resource list for digitisation, please see the video guidance below. The example used in the video is for adding a chapter from a book that we don't own in our collection, but the process is generally the same for items we do have in our collection. 

To view this video in full resolution please use the full screen or 'view in panopto' options in the video player.