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Spotlight On: PressReader

by Marian Brown on 2023-11-07T12:53:00+00:00 in Spotlight on Library Resources | 0 Comments


HOLD THE FRONT PAGE - in your hand! PressReader provides access to a wide range of newspapers and magazines that can be read online or downloaded for offline use. As well as many leading UK and international daily papers, there are over 7,000 more titles from 120+ countries and 60+ languages covering all subjects, from history and science to hobbies and leisure magazines. There is something for everyone!

How can I get started?

From a desktop or laptop From a smartphone or tablet:

You can access via the Library's homepage - either from the A-Z Databases list or your Subject Guide - and select *SIGN IN* at the top of the screen:

You can search on your App store for "PressReader" and download it onto your device.

Then select Library or Group:

Then select Libraries & Groups or the Library card icon:

Search for University of Roehampton Find University of Roehampton
Sign In via Open Athens with your Roehampton login. Sign In via Open Athens with your Roehampton login.

There is so much on here, where do I start?
There certainly is! So many different topics to explore, so it might help to start with the Categories and filter by your area of interest or Browse through the different sections to see what spikes your interest. You can find out more about how to set up Topics and email alerts on the Setting Up Topics help guide.

Can I personalise my homescreen and mark my favourite publications?

Yes, you can. See our screenshot guidance below and read more on the Discover Your Favourite Titles help guide.

On a desktop or laptop On a smartphone or tablet:

You can mark a favourite publication by clicking on the heart "Add to My Publications" to create your personalised home feed of "My Publications" whenever you log in to PressReader.

You can select publications to "follow" (top right hand side) and also be notified when new issues of your favourite title are published. You can switch on the Auto-download for new issues so it's always ready to go (but if you want to restrict this to when you are connected to Wi-fi, you can select this option under Settings).


What else can I do with PressReader?

You can also search PressReader for keywords which will search across all publications and save "Topics" to refer back to at a later date.  You can further tailor your search by adding different keywords and phrases and restrict your search by particular languages, publications and date period. 

Find the full instructions on Advanced Keyword Search help guide.


Library staff favourites:

We are big fans of PressReader here in the Library. Below are some of our favourite publications:

What else can I look at or use?



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