Databases are large, searchable collections of academic materials. Many provide access to full-text journal articles, whilst others provide article abstracts/citations or other types of information. Databases are useful because they provide access to high-quality, authoritative and up-to-date research in your subject area.
To access Roehampton’s online databases you will be required to authenticate access with your Roehampton username and password. If you need help logging in please see here.
It is always best to use the database links provided in this guide rather than searching for databases on the Internet, as the links in this guide will direct you straight to the University of Roehampton's login page where you can enter your Roehampton username and password to enter the database.
British weekly magazine of news and opinion, covering world politics, economics, business, finance, science and technology.
Users will need to create an account to gain access - to do this click 'login' at the top of the page, select ‘register now’ and fill in the form.
Content includes: accounting, finance & economics, business, management, education, health & social care, HR, marketing, public policy. Note: after logging in with your Roehampton credentials, you will be logged in correctly even if the platform doesn't indicate this.
Daily news focusing on international business and economics. Also includes company and market data and the FT Digital Edition, a replica of the printed newspaper from different countries. You will need to register for an account using your Roehampton email to gain access (see Additional Info for instructions).
Millions of journal articles and conference papers in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science, from 1936 onwards, as well as thousands of IEEE standards in key technology fields.
Global market research reports published in the last two years for leading industries including: Business Finance, Technology, Media, Health and Wellbeing, Food and Drink, Beauty and Personal Care, Automotive, Retail Banking.
Provides global market data such as market size, share, forecasts and segmentation. Industries covered include automotive, clothing, energy, finance, media and pharmaceuticals.
Access UK & International newspapers and magazines via the PressReader App. Note: To log in, click Sign In (top of the screen) > Library or Group > find University of Roehampton > Sign In via OpenAthens. Read our Spotlight on PressReader for Wellbeing blog post.
Thousands of scientific, technical and medical journals from the publisher Elsevier. NOTE: We do not subscribe to all of the content in this database, so some items may be unavailable.
A collection of journals covering the sciences, social sciences and humanities published by the Taylor & Francis Group.
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources (including over 1500 journals published by Wiley) covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Covers international business, strategic management, financial and managerial accounting, corporate communications, human resource management, and organisational behaviour.
Thousands of eBooks, videos and case studies in computer science, digital photography, technology, and business, accessible online and via the O'Reilly app. Spotlight on O'Reilly blog post.
A large collection of ebooks in all subject areas.
Unlimited access to over 700 premium social science eTextbooks, including nearly 100 titles on research methods and study skills.
National thesis service provided by the British Library which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK's doctoral theses. NOTE: EthOS is currently unavailable due to ongoing issues following a serious cyber security incident at the BL (October 2024).
If you find you cannot log into a resource please follow the advice below before seeking help.
If you reach the following login screen, please enter your Roehampton username in the format 'bloggsj' (your username without the
If you reach the following login screen, please enter your Roehampton username in the format '' (your full university username)
If you find either of the two following messages, please contact your institution:
A final thing to try before seeking help would be to try and clear your browser cache. If none of the above is working, then please contact your institution for support.