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Anthropology: Home

This guide covers resources relevant for Anthropology and Social Anthropology.

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Referencing within Anthropology

All programmes in the Anthropology use Cite Them Right Harvard.

Access Cite Them Right through the link below.

Roehampton University subscribes to a wide range of specialist research databases, free to access with your Roehampton login; those most relevant  for Anthropology are listed below. Most of these provide the full text, but sometimes just brief details (citation and abstract) of the articles. Click the Search4FullText button to see if you can access the article via our eJournals;  if not, you can order it free via Interlibrary Loan.

You also have online access to a wide range of newspapers and magazines via the following platforms:

SAGE Research methods is a useful tool to help you plan and organise your research:
