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Getting Started

Welcome to your Subject Guide, where you'll find tailored guidance and advice on key library resources.

Academic sources

Search these specialist databases to find journal articles, book chapters and other academic research papers in your subject. If the full text of the articles is not provided, click the Full Text Finder button to see if you can access it via our ejournals;  if not, you can order it free via Interlibrary Loan (scroll down this page for details).

Newspapers and magazines

You can also access the past archives of several titles - find them via our A-Z Database list.

E-book collections

These resources are free to access with your Roehampton login. 

Open access journals

Inter Library Loans

The Inter Library Loan (ILL) service gives students and staff the option of requesting books, book chapters and journals articles when we do not have them in the Library collection. The items are borrowed from the British Library and U.K. and Ireland institutions and are supplied for free.   

Inter Library Loans are not available for Alumni or our partner institutions. 

You can also check the availability for the item in academic libraries near you on Jisc Library Hub Discover; it may be faster to visit another London academic library through the SCONUL scheme.



Inter Library Loan FAQs

What are Inter Library Loans?

How to I request an Inter Library Loan?

Where to collect my Inter Library Loan?

Returning an Inter Library Loan

How to renew Inter Library Loans?

Cancelling a request for an Inter Library Loan

Can I request a Theses via Inter Library Loan?

Using other Libraries


SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other UK academic libraries which belong to the scheme, or just the convenience of studying in a library closer to your home. It's completely free to join, find how more information here:

What is SCONUL and how can I apply?

The British Library 

The British Library at St Pancras, London is a national research library. It does not lend books nor does it aim to stock multiple copies of basic text books. If your research needs are not fulfilled by other libraries, see the British Library catalogue and Reader Registration. For more information about getting a Reader Pass, please see the British Library website. 

Specialist libraries 

There are many specialist libraries in London that may be of use to your studies. General advice for access: 

  • Telephone or email first as you may have to make an appointment to see the collection. 
  • Tell the librarian what you have already found and be specific about what you still need. 
  • Record all the bibliographic details of any material you use as you may not be able to recheck them.   

Other Catalogues 

  • Jisc Library Hub Discover is a national Library catalogue that accesses the catalogues of many of the largest UK and Ireland university libraries. 

  • London Libraries allows searches and provides information on special collections. 

  • ULRLS is the catalogue of the University of London Research Library Services. 

eduroam WiFi network

eduroam is a free WiFi network that allows students, researchers and staff to securely access the internet when visiting other participating institutions. See here for further details on setting up eduroam access for your visits to other institutions.