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Philosophy, Religion and Ethics: Referencing

Referencing in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Students in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics are required to use the Cite Them Right Harvard style of referencing.

Please note: Some modules may be cross-listed and taught by staff from other subject areas, so you are advised to check with your module leader as to the preferred referencing style for module assessments.

See the box below for our additional guidance for ancient texts.

Consult our handy Referencing & Academic Integrity at Roehampton guide for support on the following topics:

  • Cite Them Right – a comprehensive and easy-to-use online referencing guide covering all relevant referencing styles
    • Accessing and navigating Cite Them Right
    • Cite Them Right tutorials
  • Tips for managing your references
  • RefWorks reference management software
  • Understanding academic integrity and plagiarism (tutorial)
  • Additional guidance for referencing ancient and biblical texts 


Additional Guides for Ancient Texts

Students in some subject areas, such as Classics, Ancient History, History, Philosophy and Religion, may require additional information in additional guidance to the information provided in Cite Them Right. This concerns the use of standard abbreviations for ancient texts.

Referencing Ancient Texts: General guidance

Referencing Ancient Texts: Advanced guidance