Quality legal resources selected by the Inner Temple Library.
Searchable database of legal materials. BAILII is hosted by IALS and contains judgments, decisions, legal texts and commentaries.
Mediation developments in business and the public sector.
The latest judgements from UK courts.
Basic texts, case law (including pending cases) - use HUDOC to search for documents. Links to European Convention on Human Rights.
For law news, comment, analysis and blogs.
Current parliamentary debate
Browse House of Commons debates from November 1988 to March 2016 on statements, petitions, oral and written questions and answers.
Probably the best UK academic site - to be recommended as the prime resource for initial research.
Guide to legal education and training and continuing professional services plus access to the Gazette and the Solicitors Online service.
Court forms, guides, rules, directions, etc.
Alphabetical listing of bills from both house allowing you to check their progress.
Full text of Acts, Bills, Consultative Documents, Green papers and links to other government sites.
Public and local unamended acts and S.I`s (including drafts), full text back to 1991.