Specialist legal database providing access to Lloyd's law reports on Maritime and Commercial. After logging in with your University credentials you will need to click 'Login' at the top. On the next screen click on 'Don't have an account?' then fill out the form with your Roehampton email.
A comprehensive law database which includes primary law, secondary sources, and practical guidance. Content includes current and historic UK and EU legislation and case law, Halsbury’s Laws of England and many key legal journals and textbooks.
Contents of 142 Oxford University Press Journals from their first issue to 1995.
Over 500 full text journals covering arts, social sciences (especially media studies), humanities and life sciences.
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources (including over 1500 journals published by Wiley) covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Legal research database containing international yearbooks and periodicals, US law digests, and decisions of international tribunals. Plus archives of academic legal journals, from the first volume up to recent years.
Specialist legal database providing access to Lloyd's law reports on Maritime and Commercial. After logging in with your University credentials you will need to click 'Login' at the top. On the next screen click on 'Don't have an account?' then fill out the form with your Roehampton email.
A comprehensive law database which includes primary law, secondary sources, and practical guidance. Content includes current and historic UK and EU legislation and case law, Halsbury’s Laws of England and many key legal journals and textbooks.
Covers most practice areas and includes: practices notes, standard clauses, transactional guides, precedents and current awareness. To sign into Practical Law, click 'Sign in through Academic Institution' out of the three options, then pick 'University of Roehampton (OpenAthens) from the dropdown list.
Provides access to up-to-date UK and EU legal material covering primary and secondary legislation, case law, law reports, UK law journals and commentary. Note: To access this resource you will need to register on first sign-up. We recommend using your Roehampton email address.
The following legal databases provide access to case reports, judgements, digests and comments.
To search a legal database for a report of a case, it is necessary to provide nothing more than the names of the parties. To do this select the cases search form, then enter the names of the parties into the 'case name' search field.
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies' database of British, Irish and EU case law and legislation, Law Commission reports, and more.
A comprehensive law database which includes primary law, secondary sources, and practical guidance. Content includes current and historic UK and EU legislation and case law, Halsbury’s Laws of England and many key legal journals and textbooks.
Provides access to up-to-date UK and EU legal material covering primary and secondary legislation, case law, law reports, UK law journals and commentary. Note: To access this resource you will need to register on first sign-up. We recommend using your Roehampton email address.