Most of the Library's print books on English Language and Linguistics can be found at the following locations ("Shelfmarks"):
Applied psychology |
158 |
Sociolinguistics | 306.44 |
Education research & related topics |
407 |
Linguistics |
410 |
Etymology |
412 |
Dictionaries |
413 |
Phonology & phonetics |
414 |
Grammar |
415 |
Dialectology & historical linguistics |
417 |
Standard usage & applied linguistics (incl. Translating and Interpreting) |
418 |
English Language |
420-429 |
Most essential texts and many more are available as eBooks and can be found via UR Library Search. The following eBooks and collections are especially useful for Linguistics:
eBooks and journals in a range of disciplines. NOTE: We do not subscribe to all of the content in this database. You can filter your results by selecting the Refine option “Only show content I have access to".
A fully searchable online version of the Second print edition of the OED.
Reference books written and compiled by the world’s leading scholars in their field.
Provides access to over 60,000 free eBooks; also discoverable through UR Library Search.
Search these specialist databases to find journal articles, book chapters and other academic research papers in your subject.
Most provide the full text, but sometimes just brief details (citation and abstract) of the articles. Click on Search for Full Text@ Roehampton to see if you can access the article via our subscriptions; if not, you can (usually) order it free via Interlibrary Loan.
Index of journal articles on theoretical and applied linguistics; coverage starts from 1973.
Index of over 1.5 million journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, and dissertations in all aspects of psychology from 1887 to the present.
Digital facsimile images of virtually every work printed in English from 1473-1700, searchable by keyword.
Facsimile images of books printed in Europe before 1701, searchable by keyword.
As well as the current content below, you can also access the past archives of several titles - find them via our A-Z Database list.
Worldwide news and business database. This content is unavailable in UR Library Search and can only be found here on the Nexis platform.
Access UK & International newspapers and magazines via the PressReader App. Note: To log in, click Sign In (top of the screen) > Library or Group > find University of Roehampton > Sign In via OpenAthens. Read our Spotlight on PressReader for Wellbeing blog post.
We also have digital archives of several newspapers; see our A-Z Database list for details.
Selected British and European independent cinema, updated monthly. Access Note: log in with your Roehampton email address, then create a personal account. Licensed for personal or class viewing, but not for public screenings.
Streams thousands of films, documentaries and training videos across a wide range of subjects. Note: Click 'Log in to Roehampton' on the left side of the screen to gain access. Please note: BBC programmes may be available via Roehampton Online Broadcasts (ROB).
Record and stream freeview TV and radio programmes for educational use, create clips and playlists, and access the archive of recorded programmes including BBC and Shakespeare Archives. ROB is managed by AVR, for assistance contact:
Films: See the Film subject guide for a list of good sources of free online films.
See also the A-Z Database List.