Articles that analyse and synthesise current research in all scientific disciplines.
Philosophical Transactions, Proceedings and other journals of the Royal Society of London relating to Biological Sciences. Coverage is 2014-2022 only; for later issues, please request articles via Interlibrary loan.
Over 500 full text journals covering arts, social sciences (especially media studies), humanities and life sciences.
Thousands of scientific, technical and medical journals from the publisher Elsevier. NOTE: We do not subscribe to all of the content in this database, so some items may be unavailable.
A collection of over 2,500 journals; full text coverage dates back to 1997. Problems logging in off campus? See our tutorial.
NOTE: We do not subscribe to all the content in this database. To see only content you can access, un-tick the option “Include Preview-Only content”.
Database comprising Science, Social Science and Arts & Humanities citation indexes.
A multidisciplinary, open access collection of academic, archival, and other materials addressing various topics within the fields of human well-being, animal well-being and environmental sustainability.
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources (including over 1500 journals published by Wiley) covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
A peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to accelerate research and free information exchange in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of animals.
The Library holds a legacy collection of music CDs and film DVDs in the Audiovisual Collection on the Third Floor.
However, most film, TV and music content is now available via the following streaming services:
Selected British and European independent cinema, updated monthly. Access Note: log in with your Roehampton email address, then create a personal account. Licensed for personal or class viewing, but not for public screenings.
Streams thousands of films, documentaries and training videos across a wide range of subjects. Note: Click 'Log in to Roehampton' on the left side of the screen to gain access. Please note: BBC programmes may be available via Roehampton Online Broadcasts (ROB).
Record and stream freeview TV and radio programmes for educational use, create clips and playlists, and access the archive of recorded programmes including BBC and Shakespeare Archives. ROB is managed by AVR, for assistance contact:
The BL's global recordings archive, including music, drama, literature, oral history, languages and dialects, wildlife, and birdsong.