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Planning your research LibWizard Tutorial

Starting your Research

Finding Your Research

Create a Basic Search in EBSCOhost

Get Started Searching Library Resources

This tutorial covers basic search techniques in the following databases:​

  • Academic Search Premier 
  • Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials 
  • ​British Education Index 
  • Business Source Premier 
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete 
  • Education Research Complete 
  • ERIC 
  • International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text 
  • MLA International Bibliography 
  • New Testament Abstracts 
  • Old Testament Abstracts 
  • ​PsycARTICLES 
  • PsycBOOKS 
  • PsycINFO 
  • PsycTESTS  
  • SPORTDiscus with Full Text 

You can apply similar techniques in other databases, but the initial search screen may look different.