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Using The Library

Click & Collect

Click and Collect process and instructions            The Click and Collect service lets you request up to five items from the Library and collect them at Whitelands' reception.

We aim to make items available within two working days of your request, and will let you know if it's going to take longer than expected.

Users have two weeks to collect Click and Collect items. Items are loaded onto your Library account as soon as they're processed, so do try to collect them as soon as you can.

Items returned to Whitelands may take up to 7 days to be removed from Library accounts.

Please note: the service isn't available during bank holidays or weekends.

If you have any questions about the please feel free to contact us.

To make a request, first check UR Library Search to see if a copy of what you need is available. Bear in mind that you can't borrow reference items. Then, select the 'Share' button, followed by 'Copy Link' to the item page's URL.  

After searching in UR Library Search, individual results will have the Share button in the top right hand corner

You can either select 'Copy Link', or copy the URL directly.

Next, paste the links to what you need (up to a maximum of five items) into a new email in your Roehampton email account. Then, add your full name and contact telephone number to the email. Finally, add 'Whitelands Click and Collect Request' as the subject line, and send it to

If you're making a request and want to collect your items over a weekend, make sure you send them to us by 12:00 pm Thursday of that week. 

Click and Collect collection point located at the end of the reception desk closest to the entrance.

You can collect your items from the labelled boxes at the Whitelands reception desk Monday to Sunday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. They will be kept there for two weeks, before being returned to the Library if you don't collect them. The boxes are to the left of the desk, as shown in the picture to the left.


Click and Collect return boxes in Whitelands reception. There are two by a window, with a slot to return items into at the top, and are clearly marked with green posters.If you're returning items at Whitelands, please put them in the drop boxes in the reception area. Items returned to Whitelands may take up to 7 days to be removed from Library accounts.

You can also return items to the Library during our opening hours, using the book returns machine near the Welcome Desk. 

Scan and Send

Scan and Send is an electronic document delivery service which allows you to request individual journal articles, book chapters, or pages from a book (up to 10%) from our print collections. These are then scanned and sent to your Roehampton email address in a readable and searchable PDF format.

Who can use Scan and Send?
The service is available to all current students and staff. You can place up to 5 Scan and Send requests per calendar month.

When will you receive your Scan?
We aim to supply requests made before 2pm by the next working day.

Are there any items ineligible to be requested through Scan and Send?
Items not eligible for this service are as follows:
• those already in electronic format (e.g. eBooks and eJournals)
• physical items not held in the Library
• items in our archives/special collections

How do I make a request?
Click on the relevant box below:
Logo for the Scan and Send book chapter button    Logo for the Scan and Send journal article button







If you have any questions please email

Scan requests are made for non-commercial research and private study as per s.29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Library staff are authorised to make scanned copies under s.42A and s.43. There are stipulations regarding the amount that can be scanned, the use of copyright declaration forms and conditions of supply.  

When you request a scan, you will be asked to confirm that you acknowledge a copyright declaration, which states that you have not already been supplied with a copy of the same material, that you will use the copy only for non-commercial research or private study, nor supply the copy to another person. Copyright forms are retained by the University Library. Further information on the UoR’s privacy policy can be found here.  

Scans are provided with certain conditions of supply:  

  1. Not pass on, or upload, the electronic copy or make it available to any other person.
  2. Not make further printed or electronic copies.

Library staff can provide you with the following:
- one article from an issue of a journal
- one chapter from a book
- one whole scene from a play
- one whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
- one short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology
or 10% of any total work.

These guidelines are in place in order to adhere to copyright regulations.

Inter Library Loans

The Inter Library Loan (ILL) service gives students and staff the option of requesting books, book chapters and journals articles when we do not have them in the Library collection. The items are borrowed from the British Library and U.K. and Ireland institutions and are supplied for free.   

Inter Library Loans are not available for Alumni or our partner institutions. 

You can also check the availability for the item in academic libraries near you on Jisc Library Hub Discover; it may be faster to visit another London academic library through the SCONUL scheme.



Inter Library Loan FAQs

What are Inter Library Loans?

How to I request an Inter Library Loan?

Where to collect my Inter Library Loan?

Returning an Inter Library Loan

How to renew Inter Library Loans?

Cancelling a request for an Inter Library Loan

Can I request a Theses via Inter Library Loan?

Suggest a Book

If you are looking for a book which is not currently in our Collection but which you think would be useful to have in our Library, you can recommend it for purchase via the form below. 

Suggest A Book

Using other Libraries


SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other UK academic libraries which belong to the scheme, or just the convenience of studying in a library closer to your home. It's completely free to join, find how more information here:

What is SCONUL and how can I apply?

The British Library 

The British Library at St Pancras, London is a national research library. It does not lend books nor does it aim to stock multiple copies of basic text books. If your research needs are not fulfilled by other libraries, see the British Library catalogue and Reader Registration. For more information about getting a Reader Pass, please see the British Library website. 

Specialist libraries 

There are many specialist libraries in London that may be of use to your studies. General advice for access: 

  • Telephone or email first as you may have to make an appointment to see the collection. 
  • Tell the librarian what you have already found and be specific about what you still need. 
  • Record all the bibliographic details of any material you use as you may not be able to recheck them.   

Other Catalogues 

  • Jisc Library Hub Discover is a national Library catalogue that accesses the catalogues of many of the largest UK and Ireland university libraries. 

  • London Libraries allows searches and provides information on special collections. 

  • ULRLS is the catalogue of the University of London Research Library Services. 

eduroam WiFi network

eduroam is a free WiFi network that allows students, researchers and staff to securely access the internet when visiting other participating institutions. See here for further details on setting up eduroam access for your visits to other institutions.