Covers all business disciplines, including marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics, with full text from over 2100 journals.
Company Information on the Web
The company's own corporate website is a good starting point for finding company information. The corporate website usually contains annual reports and other financial information.
Companies House - Official register of UK publicly listed companies. Contains information these companies are legally obliged to publish including registered address and date of incorporation, current and resigned officers and limited accounts data. A good place to start if you want to find out if the UK company you are researching is publicly listed.
Library Databases
Marketing Week offers the latest marketing news, opinion, trends, jobs and challenges facing the marketing industry. Note: You will need to sign up for a personal account using your full Roehampton university email. To set up your account, click ‘register’ and fill out the form to complete your account set up.
Global market research reports published in the last two years for leading industries including: Business Finance, Technology, Media, Health and Wellbeing, Food and Drink, Beauty and Personal Care, Automotive, Retail Banking.
Mintel Market Sizes provides global market data such as market size, market share, market forecasts and segmentation. It covers a number of industries such as: automotive, clothing, energy, finance, media and pharmaceuticals.
Find market and consumer data statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22,500 sources on over 80,000 topics, including industry, media and society.
WARC provides the latest evidence, expertise and guidance to make marketers more effective. It is good for in-depth case studies on advertising campaigns and analysis on recent trends.