UR Library Search, the Library's search platform, is available on the Library homepage.
You can use UR Library Search to find electronic and print resources provided by the Library, including: books, eBooks, journals, newspapers, videos, and more.
Start your search from library.roehampton.ac.uk.
There are 3 tabs that you can use to start your search:
Search Everything - The default option, use it to search for books, eBooks, journal articles, newspaper articles, DVDs and streamed videos and more.
Books and eBooks - Use for finding a print book or eBook specifically.
Journals Finder - Use this tab to find a specific journal title.
There are more options for searching available.
Advanced Search - You can construct a more specific search by using the series of search boxes. In the boxes you can add your search terms, and specify where you are searching for it, for example in the title, or against the author's name.
A-Z Database List - A comprehensive list of 150+ databases that you can search individually. Many databases are subject specific, such as PsycInfo and Westlaw.
A-Z eJournal List - A comprehensive list of journal titles that the library subscribes to.
Library FAQs - Search our answers to frequently asked questions, including how to troubleshoot offsite access and more.
Aside from these search options, there is also a link to an online form for you to Suggest a Book, if something is not currently available in the library but you think we should have it.
Here are some of the highlighted features of the interface.
Details of older editions are also accessed from the same panel.
When you go into the search record, access options appear on a panel on the right, and stay visible even as you scroll the search record to read the details.
When you apply filters to your search, such as date range, source type or author, these will be remembered and applied to all your searches in the current session. You can choose to turn this feature off, or clear filters from the options at the top left hand navigation bar.
Once you have performed a search, you can easily filter your results to show resources where your search term appears in the title. Select the search box and the drop-down menu with 'in Title' option will appear. This option will only return results that have your search terms in the title.
UR Library Search is provided by WorldCat, which gives holding details for many libraries worldwide. This means you can see which libraries hold the items you are interested in. You will see an option to input your address when you select a search result. This is useful if you live closer to another university that may be part of the SCONUL scheme. This function is available at the bottom of the search record.